Office Furniture Tips, Tricks and Advice

Make room for meaning

Posted by Jason Longbotham on Fri, Jul 17, 2015 @ 09:39 AM
#‎WhatTheFacts‬: Think money is the best way to motivate employees? Think again. Investing in a space that connects people to purpose is a bigger payoff for them and the bottom line. Check it out as ‪#‎HermanMiller‬ dives into this theory with a case study on Mars Drinks and their "great tasting moments around every corner!" ‪#‎FurnitureFriday‬ ‪#‎JTyler‬
Think money is the best way to motivate employees? Think again. Investing in a space that connects people to purpose is a bigger payoff for them and the bottom line.

Tags: J.Tyler, Office Design, Workplace Productivity, #whatthefacts, herman miller